George & Tula Christopher Center

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in San Francisco CA
The 22,000 sq. ft., $2.8 million facility is organized around a central core/control point which has direct vision and access into all major gathering and circulation spaces, as well as the college size gymnasium. Given the cloudy micro-climate of the Lake Merced area of San Francisco, security precautions, and energy concerns, a lobby space was created which is in fact one giant skylight roof/ceiling. The gymnasium can be used all day without activating the non-glare indirect artificial lighting system.
A wide variety of spaces are accommodated within the Holy Trinity George and Tula Christopher Center: Main Lobby/Gathering like an indoor platea /town square with the ability to accommodate casual gathering and “passing time” of hundreds of spectator/visitors for the big games; the library with resource volumes, study carrels and tables and chairs: the Audio/Visual Room including facilities for TV, VCR, CD, and listening to music; a Crafts room for the instruction of traditional or contemporary arts and crafts. The Multi-Purpose Room is a conference center for over 40, or an assembly room for over 100 or a place to have a party for 75-80. In the north wing are the male and female Locker rooms, complete with individual showers, an Aerobics Dance Studio, a Weight/Exercise Room; and a Games/ Billiards Room the broad corridors are like streets encouraging interaction but pro viding great views and contact for the necessary supervision. The entire facility is designed to promote simultaneous activities and utilization to create positive energy and spirit.